L4: Senior-Executive Management → L4: Marketing and Sales

Understanding International Business (L4S02)

This first course in the Global International Business Series provides an introduction to the context for International Business and provides senior decision makers with knowledge of the main variables to consider in reviewing and preparing for entry into international markets. On completion of this course, you will have an in depth understanding of the main economic, political and operating factors to consider when assessing the potential to expand your business into new markets, whether in developed, developed or emerging economies.

You will explore the theory of international trade and gain insight into the evolution of global trade and the factors which have enabled, constrained and will in future make continuing international trade viable and challenging. This knowledge you gain will help inform the development of strategy to evaluate and plan for expansion, and leads into the second course in the series, Developing International Business.


- Suitable For: Senior and Executive Managers and Marketing professionals
- Course Duration: 20 Hours
- Certification: Download your Certificate on completion
- Additional Resources: Download comprehensive Learners manual, additional articles and worksheets


  • International Business 1 - Getting Started
  • Section 1: The Context for International Business
  • International Business 2 - Understanding International Business
  • International Business 3 - Globalization 1
  • International Business 4 - Globalization 2
  • International Business - Quiz 1
  • Section 2: Trade Theory
  • International Business 5 - International Trade Theory 1
  • International Business 6 - International Trade Theory 2
  • International Business - Quiz 2
  • Section 3: The Role of Government and Global Institutions
  • International Business 7 - Global Institutions
  • International Business 8 - Types of Government
  • International Business - Quiz 3
  • Section 4: Evaluating International Opportunities
  • International Business 9 - Global Economies
  • International Business 10 - The Developed Economies
  • International Business 11 - Understanding Developing Economies
  • International Business 12 - Emerging Economies
  • International Business 14 - Wrapping-up
  • International Business - Course Evaluation
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever