Professional Credentials

Certificate in Business Performance Management (X401)


This is an introduction to the Global Certificate in Business Performance Management is designed for Senior Managers seeking to develop their knowledge of best practice in managing and improving the performance of the organization. You will learn how to develop and deploy processes and systems to roll-out and utilize an effective organization-wide performance management system.


1. Reviewing Business Performance
2. Developing a Balanced Scorecard System
3. Finance for Senior Managers
4. Managing Business Performance
5. Financial Analysis and Decision Making


• LEVEL: Senior and Executive Managers
• COURSES: 5 (see course details below)
• CREDITS: 10 (100 CPD hours)
• LEARNING: 100 Hours (each course takes approx. 20 hours to complete)
• DURATION: 3 Months
• CERTIFICATION: GMA Digital Credentials

This course is part of a bundle of 6 courses - click on 'Part of bundle' to view courses and enrol.
  • Certificate in Business Performance Management - Introduction
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed