Professional Credentials

Certificate in Business Improvement (X303)


This is an introduction to the Global Certificate in Managing Business Improvement. The program provides experienced managers with the knowledge to make the business case for, plan for and successfully implement a Lean Six Sigma Improvement program. Learn the principles of quality improvement, including Kaizen, lean 6 Sigma and TQM. Learn how to manage the human resources, and logistics to successfully implement a quality Improvement program.


1. Managing Quality Improvement
2. Foundations in LEAN 6-Sigma
3. Improving Workforce Productivity
4. Leading an Improvement Team
5. Managing for Efficiency and Effectiveness


• LEVEL: Middle Managers and Operations professionals
• COURSES: 5 (see course details below)
• CREDITS: 10 (100 CPD hours)
• LEARNING: 100 Hours (each course takes approx. 20 hours to complete)
• DURATION: 3 Months
• CERTIFICATION: GMA Digital Credentials

This course is part of a bundle of 6 courses - click on 'Part of bundle' to view courses and enrol.
  • Certificate in Business Improvement - Introduction
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed